It's easy to host a craft group
Are you looking for an easy way have a craft night with your friends?! With our craft group incentives, you can earn money and free crafts...all while you enjoy a girls night out!
Don't forget to sign up for our Craft Group Host emails by clicking the link to the right for exclusive information and deals just for you!
You Earn 10% of Your Total Sales
Plus you get Free Crafts
See below for details!!
Please see our shipping time frames here. All orders are shipped from Idaho Falls, Idaho.
How do I earn 10% of my total sales?
If your order is over $185 you qualify for 10% discount (also refered to as 10% back). By following the steps in the picture below, you set up your account to automatically get this discount any time an order is $185 or more.
For Example:
- Your Group Total is $200
- You Collect $200 from your friends and deposit it into your Bank Account
- You Place your order, and keep the 10% savings for yourself
- With the automatic discount your total is only $180, so you just "pocketed" $20 . . . what we refer to as your "10% back"

- click on the person icon to either set up or edit your account

- If you are logged in to your account, then click on "My Account"

- If you have set up an account but are not logged in click "Login".
- If you haven't set up an account at all, then you would click "Register".

- fill out the text fields for the form that pops up after you click login or register
- Make sure to select the box "Become a Craft Group Host" as shown below
- Then click the box to prove your human :)
- Last, click the Sign Up/Update button

How to place a craft group order
Your craft group order will be placed all at once, by yourself.
Many craft groups choose 2-3 crafts from our website and email their friends, or create a facebook event with pictures of the chosen items to make. Then have your friends email you or comment on the FB post which items they want to order and how many. After you have gathered up all the information needed to place your order, you would then make one order for your group on our website. Then repeat the next time you want to have a craft group and pick 2-3 different crafts...or as many different crafts as you want :)
When do I get a free craft?
If your total is $200-315, you get one item for free. Use Code ONEFREE
If your total is $315.01 - $445, you get two items for free. Use Code TWOFREE
If your total is $445.01 - $575 you get three items for free. Use Code THREEFREE
If your total is $575.01 or more you get four items for free. Use Code FOURFREE
Anything over $575.01 you will cap out at 4 free items, but you will still qualify for 10% back on the entire order amount.
(All totals are before your 10% back...Yay!}
Your total is $200.50
You apply your 10% back discount making your total $180.45. You will still qualify for one free craft because free crafts are determined before you apply your 10% back coupon code.
What free craft will I get?
You can pick anything...even wall lettering! Free item can not exceed $15. If item is over $15, then a $15 discount will be applied toward that item.
How do I add my free craft to my order?
You will add it to your shopping cart, and then use a coupon code (listed below) to deduct the price you were charged for that craft, making it free. (If item is over $15, then your coupon code will subtract $15 from the price of that item.
Do I have to have a craft group every month?
No. We set up the craft group program with no strings attached. The months it works for you, great! The months that it doesn't work for you, then that is totally fine too!
Do I have to place a minimum order every month?
Is there a sign up fee?
Does everyone in my group have to order the same craft?
Not at all! You could each order something completely different.
What items can our craft group order?
Anything on our site! If you see it on our site, you can order it. Everything from Craft Kits to Wall Lettering to Craft Supplies...really you can order anything!
*Custom orders are excluded*
I just placed an order online, can my order qualify?
No, unfortunately, you can't apply the craft group discounts and free crafts to a previous order. You need to have the coupon codes on hand before you place your order. We are unable to add the coupon codes to an existing order.
If you have any other questions that aren't answered above send us an email.